Saturday, November 12, 2016

Entering an Egyptian tomb ...

Last week in Mulberry we imagined we were archaeologists and Egyptologists at Cambridge University. We had a big dilemma. Do we drop everything to visit a new tomb that had been unearthed, or ignore this news? Lots of thoughts were shared about why to go, or why not to.

Egypt news

The decision was made with the majority saying that they didn't want to miss out on an exciting new discovery. Before they knew it, they were in Egypt, with their security passes, ready to enter the pyramid tomb. The tunnel that had been dug felt long, hot, dusty and dark, but entering the tomb was incredible!

It was dark in the tunnel!

Inside the tomb

As we were not allowed to take cameras into the tomb, in case the flashes destroyed he paintings, we had to make sketches of what we saw. We saw things never seen before and learned about aspects of Egyptian life, previously unknown. We have compiled reports for the university about our findings and sent them off. We would like to stay in Egypt a little longer to see what else is uncovered ...

Aren't we great at using our imaginations?!

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